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Conserv Biol ; : e14243, 2024 Mar 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38433373


Wildlife conservation depends on supportive social as well as biophysical conditions. Social identities such as hunter and nonhunter are often associated with different attitudes toward wildlife. However, it is unknown whether dynamics within and among these identity groups explain how attitudes form and why they differ. To investigate how social identities help shape wildlife-related attitudes and the implications for wildlife policy and conservation, we built a structural equation model with survey data from Montana (USA) residents (n = 1758) that tested how social identities affect the relationship between experiences with grizzly bears (Ursus arctos horribilis) and attitudes toward the species. Model results (r2  = 0.51) demonstrated that the hunter identity magnified the negative effect of vicarious property damage on attitudes toward grizzly bears (ß = -0.381, 95% confidence interval [CI]: -0.584 to -0.178, p < 0.001), which in turn strongly influenced acceptance (ß = -0.571, 95% CI: -0.611 to -0.531, p < 0.001). Our findings suggested that hunters' attitudes toward grizzly bears likely become more negative primarily because of in-group social interactions about negative experiences, and similar group dynamics may lead nonhunters to disregard the negative experiences that out-group members have with grizzly bears. Given the profound influence of social identity on human cognitions and behaviors in myriad contexts, the patterns we observed are likely important in a variety of wildlife conservation situations. To foster positive conservation outcomes and minimize polarization, management strategies should account for these identity-driven perceptions while prioritizing conflict prevention and promoting positive wildlife narratives within and among identity groups. This study illustrates the utility of social identity theory for explaining and influencing human-wildlife interactions.

La influencia de la identidad social sobre la actitud hacia la fauna Resumen La conservación de la fauna depende de condiciones de apoyo tanto sociales como biofísicas. La identidad social, como ser cazador o no, con frecuencia está asociada a las diferentes actitudes hacia la fauna. Sin embargo, no sabemos si las dinámicas dentro y entre estos grupos de identidad explican cómo las actitudes se forman y porqué son diferentes. Construimos un modelo de ecuación estructural con información de encuestas realizadas a 1,758 residentes de Montana (Estados Unidos) para conocer cómo la identidad social ayuda a formar la actitud relacionada con la fauna y las implicaciones que tiene para la conservación y políticas de fauna. El modelo analizó cómo la identidad social afecta la relación entre las experiencias con osos pardos (Ursus arctos horribilis) y la actitud hacia la especie. Los resultados del modelo (r2 = 0.51) demostraron que la identidad de cazador aumentaba el efecto negativo del daño indirecto a la propiedad sobre la actitud hacia los osos (ß=-0.381, 95% CI -0.584 a -0.178, p<0.001), lo cual en cambio tenía una gran influencia sobre la aceptación (ß=-0.571, 95% CI -0.611 a -0.531, p<0.001). Nuestros descubrimientos sugieren que la actitud de los cazadores hacia los osos probablemente se vuelve más negativa principalmente debido a las interacciones sociales del endogrupo en torno a las experiencias negativas; las dinámicas similares pueden llevar a los no cazadores a menospreciar las experiencias negativas que los miembros del exogrupo han tenido con los osos. Dada la influencia profunda que tiene la identidad social sobre la cognición humana y el comportamiento en una miríada de contextos, los patrones que observamos probablemente sean importantes en una variedad de situaciones de conservación de fauna. Para promover los resultados positivos de conservación y minimizar la polarización, las estrategias de manejo deberían considerar estas percepciones influenciadas por la identidad mientras se prioriza la prevención de conflictos y se promueven narrativas positivas de fauna dentro y entre los grupos de identidad. Este estudio demuestra la utilidad que tiene la teoría de identidad social para explicar e influenciar las interacciones humano-fauna.

Rev. Ocup. Hum. (En línea) ; 24(1): 3-22, 20240000. Ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1532282


Este editorial destaca quince resultados de la iniciativa de foto-voz "ImpacTO comunitario". A través de este medio, terapeutas ocupacionales de Colombia compartieron la experiencia de su ejercicio profesional en la comunidad, en el marco de la celebración del Día Mundial de la Terapia Ocupacional de 2023, que tuvo por lema: "Unidad a través de la comunidad". Se reflexiona sobre el contexto histórico en el que se desarrolló la iniciativa, dado el recrudecimiento del conflicto israelí-palestino, alrededor del cual se generaron discusiones sobre el concepto de comunidad para el colectvo de terapeutas ocupacionales. Se explora la idea de comunidad profesional desde los vínculos, las afinidades y los haceres compartidos, así como su significado en medio de la guerra. Se destaca la necesidad de reconocer la coexistencia y la pluralidad en la profesión, subrayando la interdependencia entre individuos y contextos sociales. Se invita, finalmente, a reflexionar sobre la posibilidad de crear una comunidad profesional desde la pluralidad.

This editorial highlights fifteen results of the photo-voice initiative "ImpacTO comunitario" (Community Impact). Through this medium, occupational therapists from Colombia shared the impact of their professional exercise in the community as part of the celebration of World Occupational Therapy Day 2023, which had the theme: "Unity through the community." It reflects on the historical context in which the initiative was developed, given the escalation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, generating discussions on the concept of community for the occupational therapists' collective. What community means amid war is questioned, and the idea of the professional community is explored from the kinships, affinities, and shared doings. The need to recognize coexistence and pluralism in the profession is highlighted, stressing the interdependence between individuals and social contexts. Finally, the readers are invited to reflect on the possibility of creating a professional community from pluralism.

Este editorial destaca quinze resultados da iniciativa de foto-voz "ImpacTO comunitário". Através deste meio, terapeutas ocupacionais da Colômbia compartilharam a incidência de seu exercício profissional na comunidade, no âmbito da celebração do Dia Mundial da Terapia Ocupacional de 2023, que teve por lema: "Unidade através da comunidade". Reflexiona-se sobre o contexto histórico em que se desenvolveu a iniciativa, dado o recrudescimento do conflito israelense-palestino, ao redor do qual se geraram discussões sobre o conceito de comunidade para o coletivo de terapeutas ocupacionais. É questionado o que significa comunidade no meio da guerra e a ideia de comunidade profissional é explorada a partir de vínculos, afinidades e fazeres compartilhados. Destaca-se a necessidade de reconhecer a coexistência e a pluralidade na profissão, sublinhando a interdependência entre indivíduos e contextos sociais. Convida-se, finalmente, a refletir sobre a possibilidade de criar uma comunidade profissional a partir da pluralidade.

Humanos , Recém-Nascido , Lactente , Pré-Escolar , Criança , Adolescente , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Colômbia
Entramado ; 19(2)dic. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534433


¿Porque grupos como las FARC firmaron un acuerdo de paz, mientras otros grupos como el ELN se niegan a hacerlo? La respuesta a este interrogante está ligada al concepto de punto de inflexión, que es el momento crucial en el que los acontecimientos giran hacia su resultado final. National Security Research Division (RAND) ha determinado indicadores comunes a los puntos de inflexión de ochenta y nueve conflictos contrainsurgentes, con el fin de promover e identificar la llegada de esta fase final del conflicto. Este trabajo presenta una metodología de análisis cualitativo basada en estos indicadores de debilitamiento de la insurgencia, que sugieren los posibles resultados de los conflictos contrainsurgentes. Estos indicadores se relacionan con la dinámica del conflicto colombiano, lo que permite validar determinadas condiciones estratégicas que posibilitaron la salida negociada al conflicto con las FARC (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia). Las conclusiones incluyen ocho indicadores presentes en el curso del conflicto sin los cuales no hubiese sido posible el acuerdo de paz en el resultado tipo II: Gobierno Gana. El estudio propone criterios de evaluación y gestión del conflicto.

Why did groups like FARC sign a peace agreement while other groups like ELN refuse to do so? The answer to this question is linked to the concept of a tipping point, which is the point at which events take a crucial turn toward their outcome. The National Security Research Division (RAND) determined strategic indicators common to tipping points in 89 counterinsurgency conflicts to promote and identify the arrival of this final phase of the conflict. This work presents a qualitative analysis methodology based on these indicators of insurgency weakening that suggest possible outcomes of counterinsurgency conflicts. These indicators are related to information on the dynamics of the Colombian conflict, which allows validation of certain strategic conditions that enabled the negotiated exit from the conflict with FARC. The conclusions include eight indicators present in the course of the conflict without which the peace agreement would not have been possible in the Type II outcome: Government Wins. The study proposes criteria for conflict evaluation and management.

Por que grupos como as FARC assinaram um acordo de paz, enquanto outros grupos, como o ELN, se recusaram a fazê-lo? A resposta a essa pergunta está ligada ao conceito de ponto de inflexão, que é o momento crucial em que os eventos se voltam para seu resultado final. A National Security Research Division (RAND) identificou indicadores comuns aos pontos de inflexão de 89 conflitos de contrainsurgência para promover e identificar a chegada dessa fase final do conflito. Este documento apresenta uma metodologia de análise qualitativa com base nesses indicadores de enfraquecimento da insurgência, que sugerem os possíveis resultados dos conflitos de contrainsurgência. Esses indicadores estão relacionados à dinâmica do conflito colombiano, o que permite a validação de determinadas condições estratégicas que possibilitaram a solução negociada do conflito com as FARC (Forças Armadas Revolucionárias da Colômbia). As conclusões incluem oito indicadores presentes no curso do conflito, sem os quais o acordo de paz não teria sido possível no resultado do tipo II: vitórias do governo. O estudo propõe critérios para avaliação e gerenciamento de conflitos.

Entramado ; 19(2)dic. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534434


Se abordan las formas de violencia que afectan los contextos urbanos, conocidas como "limpieza social", en el departamento de Caldas entre 1980 y 2006. Estas se analizarán junto con el crecimiento de los grupos armados ilegales, con especial énfasis en el paramilitarismo. El objetivo es evidenciar las estrategias discursivas que se aplican por parte de sectores poderosos para estigmatizar ciertas prácticas y actores sociales, principalmente a través de los medios de comunicación. Se apeló al Análisis Crítico del Discurso, aplicado a los enunciados referentes al fenómeno en cuestión, y se siguieron las tesis de Foucault en lo referente a los dispositivos de normalización y la discriminación entre lo normal y lo anormal en la dinámica de las relaciones de poder También se asume la perspectiva moral que se halla en la base de la "limpieza social" y se postulan las razones de su persistencia. Los resultados muestran un proceso que va de la dispersión a la sistematicidad en relación con el exterminio social y sus manifestaciones discursivas. Las conclusiones dan cuenta de la persistencia del fenómeno en contextos contemporáneos.

The forms of violence that affect urban contexts, generally known as "social cleansing", are addressed in the department of Caldas between 1980 and 2006. These will be analyzed along with the growth of the illegal armed groups, with special emphasis on paramilitarism. The objective is to highlight the discursive strategies that are applied by powerful groups to stigmatize certain practices and social actors, mainly through the media. Critical discourse analysis was used, applied to the statements referring the mentioned phenomenon, and Foucault's thesis regarding normalization devices and discrimination between normal and abnormal in the dynamics of power relations were followed. The moral perspective that is at the base of "social cleansing" is also assumed and the reasons for its persistence are postulated. The results show a process that goes from dispersion to systematicity in relation to social extermination and its discursive manifestations. The conclusions show the persistence of the phenomenon in contemporary contexts.

São abordadas as formas de violência que afetam os contextos urbanos, conhecidas como "limpeza social", no departamento de Caldas entre 1980 e 2006. Elas serão analisadas juntamente com o crescimento de grupos armados ilegais, com ênfase especial no paramilitarismo. O objetivo é destacar as estratégias discursivas aplicadas por setores poderosos para estigmatizar determinadas práticas e atores sociais, principalmente por meio da mídia. A Análise Crítica do Discurso foi aplicada às declarações referentes ao fenômeno em questão, e a tese de Foucault foi seguida em relação aos dispositivos de normalização e à discriminação entre o normal e o anormal na dinâmica das relações de poder. Ela também assume a perspectiva moral que está na base da "limpeza social" e postula as razões de sua persistência. Os resultados mostram um proceso que vai da dispersão à sistematicidade em relação ao extermínio social e suas manifestações discursivas. As conclusões mostram a persistência do fenômeno em contextos contemporâneos.

Investig. desar ; 31(2)dic. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534755


El objetivo de este artículo es describir las percepciones de estudiantes y padres de familia relacionadas con el conflicto armado y la paz. Corresponde a un estudio cualitativo de nivel descriptivo enmarcado en el paradigma interpretativo-hermenéutico. Se emplearon los métodos análisis de discurso y teoría fundamentada, y se contó con la participación de 35 actores escolares de una institución educativa en Colombia, a quienes se les aplicó una entrevista en profundidad. Los datos fueron codificados y categorizados, y sistematizados a través del software Atlas Ti. Los resultados muestran siete categorías selectivas, 18 códigos axiales y 231 códigos abiertos, los cuales develan las distintas formas de percepción en torno a la paz y al conflicto armado de los actores escolares. Se sugieren gramáticas heterogéneas en torno a la paz y el conflicto armado con marcos interpretativos amplios y estrategias de escucha flexibles.

The objective of the article is to describe the perceptions of students and parents related to the armed conflict and peace. It corresponds to a qualitative study of descriptive level, framed in the interpretive-hermeneutical paradigm. Discourse analysis and grounded theory methods were used, and 35 school actors from an educational institution in Colombia participated, to whom an in-depth interview was applied. The data was coded, categorized, and systematized through the Atlas Ti software. The results show seven selective categories, 18 axial codes, and 231 open codes, which reveal the different forms of perception around peace and armed conflict of school actors. Heterogeneous grammars are suggested around peace and armed conflict with broad interpretive frameworks and flexible listening strategies.

Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536585


Introducción: Durante la pandemia por COVID-19 las medidas de contención implementadas a nivel mundial han transformado la vida familiar y la forma de trabajar de las mujeres, profundizando desigualdades preexistentes tanto en el trabajo como en la familia. Método: Mediante ecuaciones estructurales se exploraron las relaciones entre el conflicto trabajo-familia, los síntomas emocionales negativos y la satisfacción familiar en mujeres de familias con doble ingreso. Se administraron cuestionarios a 430 mujeres que trabajaban de forma remunerada con al menos un hijo adolescente en Rancagua, Chile, quienes respondieron las dimensiones conflicto del trabajo a la familia y conflicto de la familia al trabajo de la Escala Interfaz Trabajo Familia; la Escala de Depresión, Ansiedad y Estrés (DASS-21); y la Escala de Satisfacción con la Vida Familiar. Resultados: El conflicto trabajo-familia, en ambas direcciones, se asoció positivamente con síntomas emocionales negativos, los cuales, a su vez, se relacionaron negativamente con la satisfacción familiar. El conflicto de la familia al trabajo se relacionó negativamente de forma directa con la satisfacción familiar, mientras que los síntomas emocionales negativos mostraron un rol mediador entre el conflicto trabajo-familia y la satisfacción familiar. Conclusiones: Nuestros hallazgos sugieren que, para mejorar la satisfacción familiar en situaciones de crisis, son necesarias intervenciones para mitigar las demandas laborales y familiares, así como reducir emociones negativas como depresión, ansiedad y estrés en mujeres madres que trabajan con remuneración.

Introduction: During the COVID-19 pandemic, containment measures implemented worldwide have transformed family life and women's way of working, deepening pre-existing inequalities both at work and in the family. Method: Structural Equations were used to explore the relationships between work-family conflict, negative emotional symptoms and family satisfaction in women from dual-income families. Questionnaires were administered to 430 women with paid work with at least one adolescent child in Rancagua, Chile, who responded to the work-to-family conflict and family-to-work conflict dimensions of the Work-Family Interface Scale; the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-21); and the Satisfaction with Family Life Scale. Results: The work-family conflict, in both directions, was positively associated with negative emotional symptoms, which, in turn, were negatively related to family satisfaction. Family-to-work conflict was directly negatively related to family satisfaction, while negative emotional symptoms showed a mediating role between work-family conflict and family satisfaction. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that, to improve family satisfaction in crisis situations, interventions are needed to mitigate work and family demands, as well as to ameliorate negative emotions such as depression, anxiety and stress in women with paid work.

Enferm. intensiva (Ed. impr.) ; 34(4): 195-204, Oct-Dic, 2023. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-227002


Introducción: Los profesionales de enfermería que trabajan en unidades de cuidados intensivos (UCI) poseen un alto riesgo de desarrollar respuestas emocionales negativas, así como problemas emocionales y espirituales relacionados con cuestiones éticas. El diseño de estrategias efectivas que mejoren estos aspectos viene determinado por el conocimiento de los niveles de burnout y conflicto ético de dichos profesionales, así como la influencia que el entorno de la práctica puede tener en ellos. Objetivo: Analizar la relación existente entre niveles de burnout, exposición a conflicto ético y la percepción del ambiente de la práctica entre sí y con las variables sociodemográficas de los diferentes profesionales de enfermería de cuidados intensivos. Metodología: Estudio transversal correlacional en una UCI de un hospital universitario de nivel terciario. Se evaluó el nivel de burnout con la escala Maslach Burnout Inventory-Human-Services Survey; el nivel de conflicto ético, con el cuestionario de conflictividad ética para enfermeros, y la percepción del entorno, con la escala Practice-Environment-Scale of the Nursing-Work-Index. La asociación entre variables categóricas ha sido analizada mediante el test exacto de Fisher de chi-cuadrado (χ2). Resultados: Se evaluaron 39 enfermeras y 8 auxiliares, obteniendo una tasa de participación del 82,93%. El 31,10% de los profesionales de enfermería presentaron signos de burnout, el 14,89% consideraron que trabajan en un entorno desfavorable y el 87,23% presentaron un índice de exposición a conflicto ético medio-alto.El nivel educativo (χ2=11,084, p=0,011) y la categoría profesional (χ2=5,007, p=0,025) influyeron en el nivel de burnout, presentando las auxiliares mayores niveles del mismo...(AU)

Background: Nursing professionals working in intensive care units (ICU) are at high risk of developing negative emotional responses as well as emotional and spiritual problems related to ethical issues. The design of effective strategies that improve these aspects is determined by knowing the levels of burnout and ethical conflict of these professionals, as well as the influence that the practice environment might have on them. Objectives: To analyze the relationship between levels of burnout, the exposure to ethical conflicts and the perception of the practice environment among themselves and with sociodemographic variables of the different intensive care nursing professionals. Methods: Descriptive, correlational, cross-sectional, observational study in an ICU of a tertiary level university hospital. The level of burnout was evaluated with the Maslach Burnout Inventory Human Services Survey scale; the level of ethical conflict with the Ethical Conflict Questionnaire for Nurses; and the perception of the environment with the Practice Environment Scale of the Nursing Work Index. Descriptive and inferential statistics were performed. The association between categorical variables was analyzed using Fisher's exact chi-square test (χ2). Results: 31 nurses and 8 nursing assistants were evaluated, which meant a participation rate of 82.93%. 31.10% of the nursing professionals presented signs of burnout, 14.89% considered that they work in an unfavorable environment and 87.23% presented a medium-high index of exposure to ethical conflict. The educational level (χ2=11.084, P=.011) and the professional category (χ2=5.007, P=.025) influenced the level of burnout: nursing assistants presented higher levels of this. When comparing the level of burnout with the environment and the index of ethical conflict, there were no statistically significant differences...(AU)

Humanos , Esgotamento Psicológico , Pessoal de Saúde/psicologia , Cuidados de Enfermagem , Cuidados Críticos , Esgotamento Profissional , Enfermeiras e Enfermeiros/psicologia , Estudos Transversais , Enfermagem , Inquéritos e Questionários , /psicologia
An. psicol ; 39(3): 458-464, Oct-Dic, 2023. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-224947


A pesar de la evidencia que sugiere que el trabajo de cuidado implica la realización de trabajo emocional y experiencias de conflicto trabajo-familia, la relación de estas dos experiencias de trabajo sigue sin ser examinada. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo explorar las experiencias de desempeño del trabajo emocional y el conflicto trabajo-familia y sus vínculos entre los cuidadores que trabajan en hogares de ancianos. Para abordar la pregunta de investigación, utilizamos entrevistas semiestructuradas con una muestra de 24 mujeres cuidadoras que trabajan a tiempo completo en residencias de ancianos en el centro y norte de Portugal. Los resultados revelaron la presencia de trabajo emocional, Conflicto Trabajo-Familia y un impacto del trabajo emocional en Conflicto Trabajo-Familia basado en la tensión. En general, los resultados sugirieron que el trabajo emocional tiene efectos en Conflicto Trabajo-Familia, lo que apunta a la necesidad de que los directores de las instituciones de cuidado de ancianos consideren formas de reducir estos efectos nocivos en los trabajadores.(AU)

Despite evidence suggesting that care work involves the perfor-mance of emotional labor an experience of work-family conflict, the rela-tion of these two work experiences remain under-examined. The present study aims to fill this gap by exploring the experiences of performing emo-tional labor and work-family conflict and their links among caregivers working in nursing homes. To address the research question, we used semi-structured interviews with a sample of 24 female caregivers working full-time in nursing homes in the center and north of Portugal. The results revealed the presence of emotional labor, work-family conflict, and an im-pact of emotional labor in strain-based work-family conflict. Overall, the results suggested that emotional labor has effects on work-family conflict, pointing to the need that directors of elderly care institutions should con-sider ways of reducing these harmful effects on worker.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Idoso , Saúde do Idoso , Assistência a Idosos , Saúde do Idoso Institucionalizado , Instituição de Longa Permanência para Idosos/ética , Cuidadores/psicologia , Esgotamento Psicológico
Rev Colomb Psiquiatr (Engl Ed) ; 52(4): 328-336, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38008672


The objective of the study is to understand the experience of grief and moral sentiments in survivors of the armed conflict in the city of Medellín, Colombia, through qualitative research. In total, 32 people affected by different victimising acts in the context of the armed conflict participated. There is a direct relationship between moral sentiments and the processes of handling and processing loss. Moral sentiments frame the experience of emotions in the victim, after the events have occurred, which influence the way in which the pain experienced is processed. These sentiments permeate the processes of dealing with the incident in survivors, the ways in which they perceive themselves and the perpetrators, and the social stances they adopt to face life. We conclude that moral factors play a role in the emotional recovery of victims and are indicative the possibility or difficulty of processing the events that occurred.

Pesar , Princípios Morais , Humanos , Colômbia , Atitude , Sobreviventes , Conflitos Armados/psicologia
Rev Colomb Psiquiatr (Engl Ed) ; 52(4): 362-371, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38008676


INTRODUCTION: Wives of military personnel in action living on bases located in areas of armed conflict in Colombia before the peace negotiations with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), were first-hand observers of the war, their husbands' participation in the war and the consequences and effects of the combat in which others participated. OBJECTIVE: To offer a hypothesis regarding these women's experience of direct trauma and characterise the dimensions of their experience as observers of the suffering of others. METHODS: Qualitative study and secondary discourse analysis in intentional snowball sampling of wives of military personnel (officers and chiefs) with whom semi-structured interviews were conducted. CONCLUSIONS: Direct trauma is not the sole cause of psychosomatic and psychopathological consequences; the experience of constantly observing the suffering and deaths of others also generates a cumulative effect that can affect physical and mental health. This experience is called passive trauma.

Militares , Humanos , Feminino , Saúde Mental , Cônjuges/psicologia , Colômbia
Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 30(4)oct. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530337


En el presente estudio se determina la presencia del oso andino Tremarctos ornatus y su interacción con el humano en tres territorios comunales de la provincia de La Mar (Ayacucho). Entre setiembre y octubre de 2019, establecimos un total de 22 transectos para identificar rastros de la especie, entrevistamos a la población sobre su interacción con el oso y, finalmente, inspeccionamos cadáveres de ganado cuyas muertes fueron atribuidas a ataques de la especie. En total se registraron 312 rastros de oso andino, la mayoria restos de alimentos, hallados predominantemente en las zonas de puna más arriba que los bosques montanos. Los pobladores locales conocen y tienen encuentros con el oso andino en campo e identificaron como las amenazas más recurrentes para el oso los incendios de pastizales, la extracción de madera y la ganadería. Además, informan que los osos causan daños a los cultivos y al ganado. No obstante, no se encontraron suficientes evidencias para confirmar que el oso andino hubiese atacado a alguno de los siete cadáveres de ganado evaluados, pero sí se identifico una posible manipulación o consumo en uno de estos. Nuestros resultados resaltan la importancia de combinar muestreos de presencia del oso con observaciones de la población para identificar amenazas y reducir potenciales conflictos humano-oso basado en eventos no completamente confirmados.

In the present study, we determine the presence of the Andean bear Tremarctos ornatus and its interaction with humans in three communal territories of the La Mar province (Ayacucho). Between September and October 2019, we established a total of 22 transects to identify signs of the species, interviewed the local population about their interactions with the bear, and finally inspected livestock carcasses whose deaths were attributed to attacks by the species. In total, 312 signs of the Andean bear were recorded, with the majority being food remains, primarily found in the high puna areas above the montane forests. Local residents are familiar with and have encounters with the Andean bear in the field, and they identified recurring threats to the bear, including grassland fires, timber extraction, and livestock farming. They also reported that bears cause damage to crops and livestock. However, there were not enough pieces of evidence to confirm that the Andean bear had attacked any of the seven livestock carcasses evaluated. Still, a potential manipulation or consumption was identified in one of these cases. Our results emphasize the importance of combining bear presence surveys with observations from the local population to identify threats and mitigate potential human-bear conflicts based on unconfirmed events.

Psico USF ; 28(4): 669-683, Oct.-Dec. 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1529171


Este estudo teve o objetivo de adaptar o Conflict Resolution Styles Inventory (CRSI) para o contexto brasileiro e investigar se este apresenta evidências de adequabilidade psicométrica. No Estudo 1 foi desenvolvida a versão brasileira e, posteriormente, foram analisadas evidências de validade de conteúdo por meio da análise de juízes (N = 4 avaliadores especialistas) e adequação semântica em um estudo piloto com adolescentes (N = 15). No Estudo 2, verificamos as propriedades psicométricas do CRSI em uma amostra de adolescentes (N = 276), reunindo evidências de validade de estrutura interna e precisão. Finalmente, no Estudo 3, foram investigadas evidências adicionais de estrutura interna e precisão do CRSI em uma nova amostra (N = 224). Os resultados demonstraram que o CRSI reúne evidências de validade com base no conteúdo, na estrutura interna e de precisão, podendo ser usado para avaliar as estratégias de resolução de conflitos que adolescentes brasileiros utilizam nas discordâncias com seus pais, possibilitando seu uso em pesquisas sobre esse tema.(AU)

This study adapted the Conflict Resolution Styles Inventory (CRSI) for the Brazilian context and assessed its psychometric adequacy. In Study 1, the Brazilian version was developed and content validity was analyzed by experts (N = 4) with semantic adequacy assessed in a pilot study with adolescents (N = 15). In Study 2, psychometric properties were examined in a sample of adolescents (N = 276), providing evidence of internal validity and reliability. Study 3 further investigated evidence of internal validity and reliability in a new sample (N = 224). Results indicated that the CRSI exhibits content validity, internal validity, and reliability, making it suitable for assessing conflict resolution strategies employed by Brazilian adolescents in disagreements with their parents, enabling its use in related research.(AU)

Este estudio tuvo como objetivo adaptar el Conflict Resolution Styles Inventory (CRSI) al contexto brasileño y verificar si presenta evidencias de adecuación psicométrica. En el Estudio 1, se desarrolló la versión brasileña y, posteriormente, se analizaron las evidencias de validez de contenido a través del análisis de jueces (N = 4 evaluadores expertos) y de adecuación semántica en un estudio piloto con adolescentes (N = 15). En el Estudio 2, verificamos las propiedades psicométricas del CRSI en una muestra de adolescentes (N = 276), recogiendo evidencias de validez interna y precisión. Finalmente, en el Estudio 3, se investigó evidencias adicionales de la validez interna y precisión del CRSI en una nueva muestra (N = 224). Los resultados mostraron que el CRSI reúne evidencias de validez de contenido, validez interna y precisión, y puede ser utilizado para evaluar las estrategias de resolución de conflictos utilizadas por adolescentes brasileños en desacuerdos con sus padres, lo que permite su uso en investigaciones sobre este tema.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Adolescente , Relações Pais-Filho , Conflito Familiar/psicologia , Relações Familiares/psicologia , Psicometria , Semântica , Traduções , Projetos Piloto , Comparação Transcultural , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Análise Fatorial , Entrevista , Correlação de Dados , Fatores Sociodemográficos
Rev. crim ; 65(3): 31-45, 20230910.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1537895


El objetivo de este trabajo es evidenciar, a partir de una doble visión (entrevistas realizadas a jóvenes que participaron en enfrentamientos violentos y la revisión de lo planteado desde la teoría), nuevos elementos que permitan identificar y abordar los principales factores sociales, económicos, culturales, entre otros, que propician estos enfrentamientos; se evidencia así el papel de la familia, la escuela, el barrio y el grupo de iguales en su prevención. Dicho análisis posibilita el estudio de los principios generales y postulados establecidos por diversas instituciones internacionales en materia de prevención y su inclusión y adaptación en las acciones y estrategias adoptadas por la Administración de Barranquilla y el impacto que estas han generado en los jóvenes.

The objective of this work is to demonstrate, from a double vision (interviews carried out with young people who participated in violent confrontations and the review of what was proposed from the theory), new elements that allow identifying and addressing the main social, economic, cultural factors. , among others, that lead to these confrontations; Thus, the role of the family, school, neighborhood and peer group in its prevention is evident. This analysis makes possible the study of the general principles and postulates established by various international institutions in matters of prevention and their inclusion and adaptation in the actions and strategies adopted by the Administration of Barranquilla and the impact that these have generated on young people.

O objetivo deste trabalho é demonstrar, a partir de uma dupla visão (entrevistas realizadas com jovens que participaram de confrontos violentos e a revisão do que foi proposto pela teoria), novos elementos que permitam identificar e abordar os principais problemas sociais, econômicos, fatores culturais, entre outros, que levam a esses enfrentamentos; Assim, fica evidente o papel da família, da escola, da vizinhança e do grupo de pares na sua prevenção. Esta análise permite o estudo dos princípios e postulados gerais estabelecidos por diversas instituições internacionais em matéria de prevenção e sua inclusão e adaptação nas ações e estratégias adotadas pela Administração de Barranquilla e o impacto que estas têm gerado nos jovens.

Humanos , Violência
Rev. crim ; 65(3): 47-64, 20230910. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1537989


Medellín fue considerada la ciudad más violenta del mundo durante los años noventa con una tasa de homicidios superior a 370 por cada 100 000 habitantes. En las últimas tres décadas, los asesinatos en la ciudad disminuyeron en un 90 %. Esta transformación ha sido celebrada internacionalmente como un ejemplo de gobernanza local exitosa de centros urbanos que sufren altos índices criminales. Ahora bien, este artículo sostiene que dicha recuperación ­catalogada por algunos como "milagro"­ no fue sólo producto de acciones exitosas del gobierno local, sino también el resultado de dos factores más: primero, la política del Estado colombiano a nivel nacional para fortalecer su aparato de seguridad y desmantelar grupos ilegales armados; y segundo, los acuerdos informales entre las autoridades y las bandas locales, así como la decisión de estas últimas de evitar confrontaciones violentas para facilitar la extracción de sus rentas ilegales.

Medellín was considered the most violent city in the world during the 1990s with a homicide rate of over 370 per 100 000 inhabitants. In the last three decades, murders in the city have decreased by 90 %. This transformation has been celebrated internationally as an example of successful local governance of urban centres suffering from high crime rates. However, this article argues that this recovery - labelled by some as a "miracle" - was not only the product of successful local government actions, but also the result of two other factors: first, the Colombian state's policy at the national level to strengthen its security apparatus and dismantle illegal armed groups; and second, the informal agreements between the authorities and local gangs, as well as the latter's decision to avoid violent confrontations in order to facilitate the extraction of their illegal rents.

Medellín foi considerada a cidade mais violenta do mundo durante a década de 1990, com uma taxa de homicídios superior a 370 por 100 000 habitantes. Nas últimas três décadas, os assassinatos na cidade diminuíram 90 %. Esta transformação tem sido celebrada internacionalmente como um exemplo de governação local bem-sucedida de centros urbanos que sofrem de elevadas taxas de criminalidade. Ora, este artigo sustenta que esta recuperação ­ catalogada por alguns como um "milagre" ­ não foi apenas o produto de ações bem-sucedidas do governo local, mas também o resultado de mais dois fatores: primeiro, a política do Estado colombiano no a nível nacional para reforçar o seu aparelho de segurança e desmantelar grupos armados ilegais; e em segundo lugar, os acordos informais entre as autoridades e os gangues locais, bem como a decisão destes últimos de evitar confrontos violentos para facilitar a extracção das suas rendas ilegais.

Humanos , Colômbia
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536540


(analítico) El desplazamiento forzado en Colombia ha sido una realidad compleja que ha generado la vulneración sistemática de los derechos de niños, niñas y adolescentes. Este estudio, enmarcado en el paradigma cualitativo, analizó el currículo vivenciado a partir de las narrativas construidas con 14 estudiantes desplazadas por el conflicto armado, pertenecientes a una institución educativa de Medellín (Colombia). Los métodos de recolección empleados fueron entrevistas semi-estructuradas, diarios personales y fotografías. Se presentan las inter-secciones que se establecen con la escuela, entendida como escenario de y para la construcción de paz, concluyendo en la pertinencia de las propuestas educativas flexibles. Este análisis, hilado desde una perspectiva de género, visibiliza otros modos de existir en la escuela, contribuyendo a la resignificación del currículo para la permanencia de las estudiantes que fueron desplazadas.

(analytical) Forced displacement in Colombia has been a complex reality that has led to the systematic violation of the rights of children and adolescents. This is a qualitative study that analyzed the curriculum in school in Medellin (Colombia) through the narratives constructed with 14 female students displaced by the armed conflict. Semi-structured interviews, personal diaries and photographs were used to gather data. The intersections established with the school as a scenario of and for peace building are presented and the relevance of flexible educational proposals is highlighted. This analysis, carried out using a gender perspective, highlights other modes of existence in the school and also contributes to the re-definition of the school curriculum as a determinant in the permanence of displaced students.

(analítico) A deslocação forçada na Colômbia tem sido uma realidade complexa que tem conduzido à violação sistemática dos direitos das crianças e dos adolescentes. Este estudo, estruturado no paradigma qualitativo, analisou o currículo vivido a partir das narrativas construídas com 14 estudantes desloca-das pelo conflito armado, pertencentes a uma instituição educacional em Medellín (Colômbia). Os métodos de coleta utilizados foram entrevistas semi-estruturadas, diários pessoais e fotografias. São expostas às interseções estabelecidas com a escola, entendidas como um cenário de e para a cons-trução da paz, concluindo sobre a relevância de propostas educacionais flexíveis. Esta análise, fiada a partir de uma perspectiva de gênero, torna visíveis outras formas de existir na escola, contribuindo para a re-significação do currículo para a permanência das alunas que foram deslocadas.

Pap. psicol ; 44(2): 71-77, May-Agos. 2023.
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-221492


La terapia forense constituye un elemento auxiliar de la justicia enmarcada en el paradigma de la justicia terapéutica. En el artículo, se exponen las bases que evidencian la necesidad de este recurso y las características básicas asociadas, así como los aspectos diferenciales respecto a otras posibles intervenciones. Finalmente, se proponen pautas básicas a considerar por los profesionales que asuman estas intervenciones.(AU)

Forensic therapy constitutes an auxiliary element of justice framed in the paradigm of therapeutic justice. In this article, we present the bases that demonstrate the need for this resource and the basic associated characteristics, as well as the differential aspects with respect to other possible interventions. Finally, we propose basic guidelines to be considered by the professionals who assume these interventions.(AU)

Humanos , Psicologia Forense , Divórcio , Psicologia Social , Família , Seguridade Social , Psicologia , Espanha
Interdisciplinaria ; 40(2): 445-460, ago. 2023. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448504


Resumen La pandemia ha generado un nuevo entorno que establece determinadas exigencias o demandas de actuación a las personas, potenciales estresores que pueden desencadenar el proceso de estrés, al que se le podría denominar Estrés de Pandemia (EDP). A este contexto, se sumaron los cambios en la jornada laboral que derivaron en mayor interferencia entre la familia y el trabajo. De esta manera, se volvió relevante generar conocimiento sobre la temática durante este contexto particular. El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar la asociación entre el (EDP) y el Conflicto Trabajo-Familia (CTF) y Familia-Trabajo (CFT). Además, se indagaron diferencias de grupos según factores laborales como la modalidad de trabajo y la tenencia o no de niños a cargo, entre otros. Se utilizó el Inventario SISCO de EDP (Macías, 2020), la escala de CTF y CFT (Netemeyer et al., 1996) y un cuestionario ad-hoc. Los participantes fueron 637 adultos (M.edad = 38.14, DS = 13.05, femenino = 487). Se encontraron asociaciones positivas entre las variables CFT y CTF y ambas se asociaron de manera positiva con el EDP. Quienes trabajaron de manera virtual evidenciaron mayor CFT y quienes lo hicieron, tanto virtual como presencialmente fueron los que más puntuaron en CTF. Finalmente, quienes tenían niños a cargo tuvieron mayor CFT y CTF. En conclusión, el estrés en torno al COVID-19 se vincula con mayor interferencia y conflictos entre el ámbito laboral y el familiar.

Abstract Pandemic Stress can be defined as a psychological state produced by an adaptation process where the individual values ​​the environment demands, determined by the pandemic, as overflowing with their resources to carry them out effectively (Macías, 2020). The change in routine carries the possibility of an increase in relation to work-family conflict. Family conflict involves two directions: work can interfere with the family (family work conflict or FWC) and the family can interfere with work (work family conflict, or WFC) (Bellavia y Frone, 2005) because of the incompatibility of responsibilities in the workplace and family (Greenhaus y Beutell, 1985). Added to this context are changes in the working day and, since there are no studies that analyze the relationships between SP and family and work conflict, it becomes relevant to generate knowledge on this issue during this context that humanity is going through. In this way, the aim was to establish the association between Pandemic Stress (PS), Work-Family Conflict (WFC) and Family-Work Conflict (FWC). In addition, the possible existence of group differences was analyzed according to work factors such as work modality, and the possession or not of dependent children. SISCO Pandemic Stress Inventory (Macías, 2020), the Work-Family Conflict and Family-Work Conflict scale (Netemeyer et al., 1996) and an ad-hoc questionnaire were used. The participants were 637 adults (M.age = 38.14, SD = 13.05, female = 487). Positive associations were found between the variables WFC and FWC, and both were positively associated with PS. Those who worked virtually showed higher FWC and those who did it both virtually and in person, were the ones who scored the most in WFC, realizing the difficulty in balancing family and work demands. This could be due to the difficulty for parents who worked outside the home, since they had to organize alternative solutions to take care of their children, which is hampered by the closure of establishments, difficulty in mobilizing and preventive and mandatory isolation of social networks that, in another context, contribute to the care of children. It is of great relevance to consider that the majority of those surveyed have been women, being the most likely to report that the excessive amount of housework made it difficult for them to combine work and family (Blasko, 2020). Finally, those who had children had higher WFC and FWC. In this sense, Gutierrez et al. (2020) explain that in households the unpaid workload and care has increased, which falls unequally on women, a fact that further limits their availability of time to develop productive and / or work activities. Following Park et al. (2020), being young, being female, and being a caregiver increase the risk of exposure to stressors and a greater level of stress. In conclusion, the lawsuits surrounding COVID-19 interfere in conflicts between the workplace and the family. This shows the importance of carrying out evidence-based interventions aimed at mitigating the effects of SP due to COVID-19 and reducing WFC and FWC. In this sense, the present research provides an advance in the understanding of interference between home and work, as well as the impact of the pandemic in both spheres of daily life.

Enferm Intensiva (Engl Ed) ; 34(4): 195-204, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37455225


BACKGROUND: Nursing professionals working in Intensive Care Units (ICU) are at high risk of developing negative emotional responses as well as emotional and spiritual problems related to ethical issues. The design of effective strategies that improve these aspects is determined by knowing the levels of burnout and ethical conflict of these professionals, as well as the influence that the practice environment might have on them. OBJECTIVES: To analyze the relationship between levels of burnout, the exposure to ethical conflicts and the perception of the practice environment among themselves and with sociodemographic variables of the different intensive care nursing professionals. METHODS: Descriptive, correlational, cross-sectional, observational study in an ICU of a tertiary level university hospital. The level of burnout was evaluated with the Maslach Burnout Inventory Human Services Survey scale; the level of ethical conflict with the Ethical Conflict Questionnaire for Nurses and the perception of the environment with the Practice Environment Scale of the Nursing Work Index. Descriptive and inferential statistics were performed. The association between categorical variables was analyzed using Fisher's exact chi-square test (χ2) RESULTS: 31 nurses and 8 nursing assistants were evaluated, which meant a participation rate of 82,93%. 31,10% of the nursing professionals presented signs of burnout, 14,89% considered that they work in an unfavorable environment and 87,23% presented a medium-high index of exposure to ethical conflict. The educational level (χ2=11.084, p=0.011) and the professional category (χ2=5.007, p=0.025) influenced the level of burnout: nursing assistants presented higher levels of this. When comparing the level of burnout with the environment and the index of ethical conflict, there were no statistically significant differences. CONCLUSIONS: The absence of association found in the study between Burnout and ethical conflict with the perception of the practice environment suggests that personal factors may influence its development.

Esgotamento Profissional , Cuidados de Enfermagem , Humanos , Estudos Transversais , Cuidados Críticos , Unidades de Terapia Intensiva
Rev Colomb Psiquiatr (Engl Ed) ; 52(2): 121-129, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37453820


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Colombia is one of the countries with the highest levels of internal displacement resulting from armed conflict. This population has greater chances of experiencing a mental health disorder, especially in territories historically affected by armed conflict. Our objective was to compare the levels of possible mental health disorder in people experiencing internal displacement in Meta, Colombia, a department historically affected by armed conflict, compared to the internally displaced population in the National Mental Health Survey of 2015. METHODS: Analysis of data collected in the National Mental Health Survey (ENSM) of 2015, study with representative data at national level and the Conflict, Peace and Health survey (CONPAS) of 2014, representative study of the degree of impact of the conflict on the municipality, conducted in the department of Meta, Colombia. To measure possible mental health disorder, the Self-Report Questionnaire-25 (SRQ-25) was used. Internal displacement is self-reported by people surveyed in both studies. An exploratory analysis is used to measure possible mental health disorders in the displaced population in the ENSM 2015 and CONPAS 2014. RESULTS: 1089 adults were surveyed in CONPAS 2014 and 10,870 adults were surveyed in the ENSM 2015. 42.9% (468) and 8.7% (943) of people reported being internally displaced in CONPAS 2014 and ENSM 2015, respectively. In both studies, internally displaced populations have greater chances of experiencing any mental health disorder compared to non-displaced populations. For CONPAS 2014, 21.8% (95%CI, 18.1-25.8) of this population had a possible mental health disorder (SRQ+) compared to 14.0% (95%CI, 11.8-16.3) in the ENSM 2015. Compared with the ENSM 2015, at the regional level (CONPAS 2014), displaced people had a greater chance of presenting depression by 12.4% (95%CI, 9.5-15.7) compared to 5.7% (95%CI, 4.3-7.4) in the ENSM 2015, anxiety in 21.4% (95%CI, 17.7-25.3) compared to 16.5% (95%CI, 14.2-19.1) in the ENSM 2015, and psychosomatic disorders in 52.4% (95%CI, 47.5-56.7) in CONPAS 2014 compared to 42.2% (95%CI, 39.0-45.4) in the ENSM 2015. At the national level (ENSM 2015), displaced people had greater possibilities of presenting, compared to the regional level, suicidal ideation in 11.9% (95%CI, 9.3-14.1) compared to 7.3% (95%CI, 5.0-10.0) in CONPAS 2014 and bipolar disorder in 56.5% (95%CI, 53.2-59.7) compared to 39.3% (95%CI, 34.8-43.9) in CONPAS 2014. CONCLUSIONS: The greater possibilities of displaced populations at the regional level of experiencing a mental health disorder, compared to this same population at the national level, may represent and indicate greater needs in mental health care services in territories affected by conflict. Therefore, and given the need to facilitate access to health services in mental health for populations especially affected by armed conflict, there is a need to design health care policies that facilitate the recovery of populations affected by war and, simultaneously, that reduce inequities and promote the fulfilment of one of the most important and, at the same time, least prioritised health objectives in international development: mental health.

Transtornos de Ansiedade , Saúde Mental , Adulto , Humanos , Colômbia/epidemiologia , Transtornos de Ansiedade/epidemiologia , Inquéritos e Questionários , Inquéritos Epidemiológicos
Agora USB ; 23(1)jun. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533558


El valor del arte popular, particularmente del teatro, es relevante en los procesos de elaboración del duelo colectivo de comunidades afectadas por el conflicto armado colombiano, en especial los derivados de la masacre del 2002 en Bojayá. Lo primero que permite comprender es que las diversas manifestaciones de la violencia vividas en el territorio, en especial la masacre y el desplazamiento, tuvieron un impacto disruptivo que desestructuró profundamente la vida cotidiana, la identidad y el mundo de supuestos de los habitantes. En concreto, causó pérdidas múltiples de orden material y simbólico, cuyos duelos han sido muy complejos por las dinámicas de la guerra colombiana que impidieron los rituales funerarios tradicionales para despedir a sus más de ochenta muertos y fragmentó a la comunidad dispersándola en otros municipios.

The value of popular art, particularly theater, is relevant in the processes of elaboration of collective mourning of communities affected by the Colombian armed conflict, especially those derived from the 2002 massacre in Bojayá. The first idea to understand is that the various manifestations of violence experienced in the territory, especially the massacre and displacement, had a disruptive impact that profoundly deconstructed the daily life, identity, and the world of assumptions of the inhabitants. Specifically, it caused multiple losses of material and symbolic order, whose mourning has been very complex due to the dynamics of the Colombian war that prevented the traditional funeral rituals to say goodbye to the more than eighty dead and fragmented the community, by dispersing it in other municipalities.
